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Archive for the ‘Blackberry’ Category

Tips Lengkap Mengetik di Blackberry

Tips Lengkap Mengetik di BB sepertinya jadi berita baik untuk anda yang gemar dengan fitur BBM. Karena ketika menggunakan Blackberry tidak sedikit waktu yang terpakai untuk melakukan pengetikan. Apalagi fitur unggulan BB seperti BBM dan Email tidak jauh dari kegiatan mengetik. Buat anda yang sering mengetik menggunakan PC , tentunya tidak asing dengan beberapa shortcut yang sering digunakan, misalnya Ctrl+C untuk copy dan lain sebagainya.
Tahukah anda? Blackberry sebagai ponsel pintar yang seharusnya dapat mengambil alih sebagian besar tugas komputer juga memiliki shortcut untuk memudahkan pengetikan anda.
Berikut beberapa shortcut yang bisa anda gunakan untuk mengetik :
1. Untuk mengakhiri kalimat dengan tanda titik, tekan tombol spasi secara berurutan. Huruf berikutnya otomatis menjadi kapital atau huruf besar.
2. Untuk mengetik huruf kapital di tengah kalimat, tekan huruf yang di maksud hingga huruf tersebut masuk kedalam ketikan.
3. Untuk mengaktifkan NUMLOCK, tekan tombol Alt dan shift kiri. Akan muncul simbol NUM Lock di sudut kanan atas layar.
4. Untuk mengaktifkan CAPS Lock, tekan tombol Alt dan shift kanan. Akan muncul simbol CAPS Lock di sudut kanan atas layar.
5. Untuk menon-aktifkan NUM Lock CAPS Lock, tekan salah satu tombol Shift.
6. Untuk memasukkan karakter at (@) atau dot (.) ketika mengetikan alamat email, cukup tekan tombol spasi.
7. Untuk melakukan seleksi satu baris ketikan, tahan tombol shift dan usap trackball /trackpad ke kiri atau ke kanan.
8. Untuk melakukan seleksi ketikan per karakter, tahan tombol shift dan usap trackball /trackpad ke kiri atau ke kanan.
* Untuk membatalkan seleksi, tekan tombol escape.
* Untuk CUT ketikan yang di seleksi, tekan tombol shift dan delete.
* Untuk COPY ketikan yang di seleksi, tekan tombol Alt dan klik trackball/trackpad.
* Untuk Paste ketikan yang di CUT/COPY, tekan tombol shift dan klik trackball/trackpad.

Selain beberapa shortcut tersebut anda juga bisa mengetikan beberapa kata di bawah ini, yang akan secara otomatis di gantikan dengan informasi seputar perangkat Blackberry anda :
1. Ketik ” myver ” tanpa tanda kutip, akan di gantikan dengan informasi Blackberry dan versi OS yang anda gunakan.
2. Ketik ” mypin ” tanpa tanda kutip, akan di gantikan dengan informasi PIN BB anda.
3. Ketik ” mynumber ” tanpa tanda kutip, akan di gantikan dengan informasi nomer ponsel yang di gunakan.
4. Ketik ” LT ” tanpa tanda kutip, akan di gantikan dengan informasi waktu/jam sesuai dengan waktu perangkat BB anda.
5. Ketik ” LD ” tanpa tanda kutip, akan di gantikan dengan informasi tanggal sesuai dengan waktu perangkat BB anda.

How to synchronize Documents to Go files between BlackBerry a smartphone and a Desktop computer


In order to synchronize, the Documents To Go® Desktop for BlackBerry® smartphones application must be installed on a computer.  In addition an application called Documents To Go Files must be installed on the BlackBerry smartphone. When installed, files can be synchronized between the computer and BlackBerry smartphone via USB cable. Once the files are set to synchronize, any changes made will automatically be transferred upon synchronization.

IMPORTANT – The handheld application named Documents To Go Files is not the same as the application named Documents To Go. These applications are different applications that need to be installed separately.

Documents To Go – This is the main part of the Documents To Go software installed on the BlackBerry smartphone. It is made up of 3 applications (Word To Go, Sheet To Go, and Slideshow To Go) and can be found either in a Documents To Go folder (BlackBerry Device Software 4.5) or in the Applications folder (Starting in Blackberry Device Software 4.6). It is used to open, edit and create Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files and is not involved in the synchronization process.
Documents To Go Files – This is a separate application installed on the BlackBerry smartphone which synchronizes with Documents To Go Desktop for BlackBerry on the computer via USB. It is installed separately from the main Documents To Go application and can be found on the BlackBerry smartphone Home Screen (BlackBerry Device Software 4.5) or in the Downloads folder (Starting in BlackBerry Device Software 4.6). It can also be used as a file browser for the BlackBerry smartphone.

In order to install the Documents To Go Desktop for BlackBerry and Documents To Go Files applications, see the following links:

Documents To Go Desktop for BlackBerry – Click the following link and download the installer program to the computer: http://www.dataviz.com/blackberrydesktop
Documents To Go Files – Click the following link and enter your email address to have the download link sent to the BlackBerry smartphone: http://www.dataviz.com/bbdtgfiles
Setup & Pairing:

After installing Documents To Go Desktop for BlackBerry on your computer, the BlackBerry smartphone user will be automatically prompted to pair the computer with the BlackBerry smartphone. Before beginning the pairing process, please confirm the following:

The add-on application named Documents To Go Files is installed on the BlackBerry smartphone.
The BlackBerry smartphone must be connected to the computer via USB cable. 
Mass Storage Mode is not currently enabled. Documents To Go will not able to synchronize if the BlackBerry smartphone is connected to the computer in Mass Storage Mode. In order to disable Mass Storage Mode please do the following:
Disconnect the BlackBerry from the computer.
From the Home screen of the BlackBerry smartphone, click Options > Media Card or Memory, or click Options > Advanced Options > Media Card
Press the Menu key and change “Mass Storage Mode Support” to On.
Set the “Auto Enable Mass Storage Mode When Connected” setting to Prompt.
Press Back and Save the changes.
Reconnect the BlackBerry to the computer and select “No” when asked if you want to enable Mass Storage Mode.
Once the BlackBerry smartphone has been paired with the computer, files and/or folders can be added to Documents To Go Desktop and synchronized with Documents To Go Files on the BlackBerry smartphone.

Tentang App Error 603

setelah beredar dan dirilisnya Aplikasi yg terintekrasi dengan BBM V6, maka banyak user BB mendapatkan salam perkenalan dengan Error ini, dimana BB selalu minta utk di “reset” bahkan tidak dapat masuk home screen, walau dengan “save mode”
hal ini terjadi dikarenakan:
1. saat sign in ke aplikasi yg terintegrasi dengan BBM, aplikasi secara otomatis mem_verifikasi untuk update BBID (bagi user yg belum mengupdate BBID) saat proses update BBID selesai, user tidak langsung merestart Device yg sdh terupdate BBID.

Berikut Tips Menyelamatkan BlackBerry Anda dari Error 602 603 tanpa re-instal OS:
1.pastikan Tools Reader System Blackberry yg terdapat pada BBSAK, Vnbbutils, BB BOSS, atau tool yg biasa anda gunakan, sudah terinstal di komputer atau laptop anda.

2. Hubungkan BB anda dg komputer/laptop via USB dan pastikan terkoneksi

3. tekan perintah “reset” pada home screen BB anda yg sudah terkena error tersebut.

4. ketika proses restart sudah finish dan akan masuk home screen, segera tekan menu “Read System” pada Tool Reader System Blackberry.(pada BBSAK, Vnbbutils, ect)

5. jika anda berhasil melakukan langkah diatas, maka pada kolom pembaca pada Tool akan tampil semua file-file dalam sistem BB, kemudian tahan tombol “Ctrl” pada komputer/laptop anda dan cari :
dan semua file COD applikasi yg terintegrasi dengan BBM yg sdh anda instal. biasanya nama file-file tersebut, sesuai dengan nama aplikasinya.
contoh pada aplikasi foursquer: FourSquare, FoursquareBBMCommon, dan FoursquareBBMPlugin

6. setelah semua file aplikasi ditemukan dan ditandai, pilih menu “Remove” atau “Delete selctected files”
maka Device akan restart otomatis, dan BB anda selamat dari error 602/603, dan tdk perlu instal ulang os, serta data-data terkini anda dapat diselamatkan

How to Create Blackberry 7 Themes

Step 1

You need to make a theme that your device deems compatible. For this you need to trick your way past the theme builder. To achieve this, you need to navigate to c:\program files\research in motion\blackberry theme studio 6.0\resources\theme\blackberry6_480x360.

Here you find a few .properties files, grab the 9780blackberry6.properties file and copy it somewhere for safe keeping. Now you need to edit that file so its contents tell the theme studio to export for OS7. To do this you need to change a few lines of code in the file: line 10 is the theme.base which should = BlackBerry7_640x480_b and line 11 is theme.alternate which should = BlackBerry7_640x480_bs1. Next, alter line 25 to read 6.0,7.0 as the supported OS, line 26 to 7.0 as the default export option, then line 27 as 6.0,7.0 for the imported OS.

Now save and rename that file to 9900BlackBerry7.properties and paste the 9780 file saved from earlier. This now means theme builder will export themes for OS7 (because we dont want to wait half a year for RIM).


Step 2

You now need to export an (preferrably blank to start off with) OTA theme from theme builder and catch it in the temp folder. To do this, forums user Deficitism made a cracking thread which covers it for a few variations of Windows, thanks to a few other posters too. The files should appear in c:/users/namehere/appdata/local/temp (but locations per version of windows may be slightly different) and are normally in a pz_ folder. There are also a few files in the root temp directory. From the temp main folder you need the themenameyouexportedas.properties file, and all of the files in the pz_ folder.

Once you’ve copied these to a safe place then change the permissions on the temp folder back, and close Theme Builder.


Step 3

You now have a minimum of 3 SVG files, plus some other files from the pz_ folder. Using the great guide in the CrackBerry forums I was able to find each element and move them to the correct place, as the svg exports as a 9700 file, so the screen size just simply doesnt fit. This is the bit that takes the longest for all 3 SVG files, however I intend to publish my SVG files for a ‘stock’ layout once I’m very happy with them.


Step 4

Once you’ve altered your svg files and any graphics you may wish to use, use the guide in the CrackBerry forums to compile the theme. This guide also has a lot of other info on items for within the theme too.

Once exported, load via OTA to device and test and it’s pretty much trial and error from there forward. I’ve personally only done the 9900 as it’s the only device I can test, however one other I know of is molson0 from the forums who is sorting a 9810 too.

This guide of course uses a lot of helpful info from a lot of helpful people on the forums, and credit should definitely go to (in no particular order) russnash, molson0, lucky45, deficitism and the many others that have posted in the linked threads.

Download Dari 4Shared Tanpa Menunggu

Caranya dengan paket BlackBerry Internet Services (BIS) Unlimited, dan browser bawaan BlackBerry seperti ini:

Pertama, buat akun 4Shared terlebih dahulu, gratis kok!

Kemudian buka browser BB (pastikan BIS dan data connection dalam keadaan aktif)
Masuk ke http://search.4shared.com/

Kemudian login dengan id dan password yang sudah didaftarkan
Setelah sukses, masuk ke Option, lalu matikan fungsi JavaScript, OK

Balik ke http://search.4shared.com/
Selesai, sekarang kamu bisa cari dan download lagu-lagu mp3 kesayangan gratis tanpa menunggu

Jangan menggunakan Aplikasi 4Shared untuk BlackBerry, karena 4Shared belum terdaftar di RIM. Jadi, download mp3 via aplikasi ini akan terkena biaya GPRS.

Blackberry Language Pack (CJK) for All OS

Blackberry Language Pack (All Model BB)
– Chinese / Japanese / Korea / Thai
Curve 8300/8310/8320 – OS 4.5

Gemini 8520/8530/9300 – OS 5 http://www.blackberrylanguage.com/ota/cjk/8520%20(592)/cjk.jad

Javelin 8900 – OS 5


Bold 9000 – OS 5


Tour 9630 – OS 5


Bold2 9700 – OS 5


Bold3 9780 / 9700 – OS 6


Storm 9500/9530/9520/9550 – OS 5


Torch 9800 – OS 6


File COD, ALX dan JAD

Apa yang dimaksud dengan file berikut:
*.cod, *.jad dan *.alx  

Pada saat kita akan menginstall aplikasi ke BB, baik melalui DM secara offline ataupun OTA (over the air), kita akan melihat sekilas file2 dengan ‘buntut’ (extension) tersebut. Berikut :

Adalah file inti dari program/aplikasi yang akan di ‘install’ ke BB kita. File ini merupakan gabungan beberapa file yang di ‘zip’/kompresikan menjadi satu file.
Lalu file² *.alx dan *.jad, adalah file script jenis instalasi, dibutuhkan tergantung dari cara instalasi aplikasi tersebut. Apakah secara ‘offline’ atau OTA. 

Instalasinya dengan cara langsung OTA. 

File ini digunakan jika kita meng’install’ aplikasi melalui DM. Kita perlu meng-kopi dulu file ini ke PC baru kemudian ‘install’.

Jadi, untuk dipahami, apapun aplikasi yang kita ‘install’. Maka file2 yang berperan adalah, sbb.
1. COD + JAD –> install via OTA.
2. COD + ALX –> install via DM.

(How to) Tips for The FileScout Dropbox Plugin


You need a FileScout RegistrationCode in order to connect to your Dropbox account. The Plugin will not work for the free FileScout Lite Version. There is no need to have anything additionally installed on your BlackBerry®.
WARNING: The FileScout Dropbox Plugin has the potential to transfer extremely large volumes of data using your carrier’s network. Please be aware that this could result in large overage charges over the course of a month if you do not have an unlimited data plan. Regardless of your data plan, please consider configuring FileScout to use WiFi (FileScout Options/General Options/Preferred Network set to either Auto or WiFi) whenever available as an alternate to using your carrier’s network.
Preparation, Installation, Configuration

Before you can use the Plugin you need a) a Dropbox account, b) at least FileScout v2.5.0.1 (or higher) installed and c) you need a FileScout RegistrationCode or you must be still in the 14 day trial period.


For the start, open the FileScout Options and scroll down to the Item ‘Dropbox Plugin’ – if you do not have such a Item present then you either have not the latest FileScout Version installed or you might use the free FileScout Lite Version.

Step 1)

When the Plugin is not installed yet then you see a button called ‘Install Plugin OTA’
Once the press this button Filescout will be closed and the BlackBerry® Browser will be opened and point to the FileScout Dropbox Installation page.
Follow the Instructions on the webpage to install the Plugin (o)ver (t)he (a)ir on your
When the installation is completed you can close the Browser and launch FileScout again.

Step 2)

Open the FileScout Dropbox Options again
Now you should see the Dropbox login and password entry fields
Enter your Dropbox account information and press the Login button
The Dropbox Options will be automatically closed and…
…after your account is successfully verified you will be informed by a short message
Please note if you don’t have an Dropbox account yet you need to create one via the Dropbox Website.
If you get a HTTP-TRANSPORT-ERROR [ErrorCode: 4001] at this stage then this means that FileScout is not able to make any HTTP Connection (which is essential for the Plugin to work).
Please check:
FileScout – General Options – Preferred Network Setting – you might need to adjust this to WiFi, BES/BIS or it might be required (when using WAP2 or TCP) to configure in APN in the advanced TCP/IP configuration of your BlackBerry
Your Firewall Configuration (see How to configure Internet access for FileScout)

Step 3)

When you now open again the FileScout Dropbox Options you should see the following information:
You Dropbox Account name (read only) – Please note, that the FileScout Dropbox Plugin will not save your Dropbox account password in any kind. The Password will be used only once for the login verification. If you want to revoke the access right for the FileScout Dropbox Plugin you can either use the Logout button or you can use the Dropbox Website
Enable/disable Online Warning Message (warning about transfer volume)
When you use “Auto” as FileScout Options/General Options/Preferred Network setting you can disable certain fallback transports – e.g. when your BES Admin have blocked access to the Dropbox URL
Enable/configure a warning notification if a transfer will exceed a certain volume – you can select between OFF, 1 MiB, 5 MiB, 25 MiB and 200 MiB
Check for FileScout Dropbox Plugin Update button
Clear FileScout Dropbox Plugin Cache button – FileScout is caching the folder structure of Dropbox – this cache can be flushed via this function
Receiving a File from your Dropbox

Step 1)

In FileScout browse to the folder in which you would like to store the file that you want to get from your Dropbox.
Open the Menu and select ‘Receive From…’

Step 2)

In the Popup dialog select ‘from Dropbox’

Step 3)

Select the file (or multiple files) you like to download

Step 4)

Press ENTER to start the download (or open the #Menu and select the Download-MenuItem)
Sending a File to your Dropbox

Step 1)

In FileScout browse to the folder from which you like to upload files to your Dtopbox
Select a file, multiple files or a complete directory
Open the Menu and select ‘Send to…’

Step 2)

In the Popup dialog select ‘to Dropbox’

Step 3)

Navigate to the dropbox destination folder
Open the #Menu
Select the Upload ‘FolderNameHERE’ MenuItem
Please note, that when you like to upload a file to your Dropbox root folder, then there is a second Upload ” MenuItem

List of all databases on the BlackBerry smartphone

The following table outlines the information stored in databases on the BlackBerry® smartphone:

Database Functionality
Address Book – All Reflects the total number of add up contact list entries for multiple contact lists on the BlackBerry smartphone.
Address Book – Last Used Hints Provides information on what phone number or email address was last used to contact a specific contact.
Address Book Options Stores contact list settings.
Alarm Options Stores the settings for the alarm application.
Alarms Customization for alarms sounds set by the BlackBerry smartphone user.
Application Permissions Permissions configured under Options >Security Options > Application Permissions.
Attachment Data Stores attachments that have been viewed on the BlackBerry smartphone.
Attachment Data – Calendar Stores attachments that have been viewed through the calendar application on the BlackBerry smartphone.
Attachment Options Stores user-defined settings for the Attachment Viewer.
AutoText / Word Substitution Contains the dictionary for automatic substitution of commonly misspelled words while you type. For example, adn > and.
AutoText Data Version Version of Auto Text Data application.
BBGroups BlackBerry Groups created within the BlackBerry® Messenger for BlackBerry smartphones application.
BIS Account Data Stores BlackBerry® Internet Service account information that might be used by the Thick Client application in the BlackBerry Internet Service.
BlackBerry Messenger Contacts in BlackBerry Messenger for BlackBerry Smartphones.
Bluetooth Options Stores settings for Bluetooth® technology.
Browser Bookmarks Contains bookmarks for web pages in the browser applications.
Browser Channels Browser push service subscribed to by the BlackBerry smartphone user. For example, weather setup service. Browser channels lists the channels the browser is subscribed to. For example, weather updates.
Browser Data Cache Holds cached data from the browser.
Browser Folders Allows sorting bookmarks into various folders.
Browser Messages Browser push service notifications.
Browser Options Contains browser setting information.
Browser Push Options Contains push content settings for the BlackBerry Browser.
Browser web address Contains a list of the web addresses that have been typed into the browser on the BlackBerry smartphone.
Calender – All Total number of add up entries for all calendars (multiple CICAL service records).
Calendar Options Stores calendar settings.
Camera Options Database contains settings customization inOptions > Camera > Camera Options.
Categories Allows various addresses, appointments, tasks and memos to be sorted by category.
Certificate Options Option list in certificates, whether a user had set a certificate to Distrust , Revoke , or leave the default setting when no changes are made.
Certificate Summary Data Contains a list of certificates stored on the BlackBerry smartphone (Options > Security Options > Advanced Security Options >Certificates).
Clock Options Customization for clock options found inClock > Options.
Code Module Group Properties System software properties for the core system modules.
Compatibility Settings Compatibility mode is used when the application has been designed for a physical input (non-touch screen) BlackBerry smartphone, where the application expects to receive input events from the keyboard and the trackball.
Configuration Channel Stores configuration information that an administrator may assign using the Configuration Channel feature of BlackBerry® Enterprise Server 5.0.
Content Store Contains pictures and other media content stored on the BlackBerry smartphone on-board device memory.
CustomWordsCollection Customized words saved to custom word dictionary.
Default Service Selector Defines the default message service.
Device Options Stores setting changes made within Options on the BlackBerry smartphone.
Note: Some options have their own database.
Diagnostic App Options Test configuration settings in Self Test Application, initiated in Options > Statususing key sequence T E S T.
DocsToGoCommonPrefs Contains setting information for the Documents to Go® for BlackBerry smartphones application suite.
Email Filters – All Holds the settings for filters applied to incoming messages to the BlackBerry smartphone.
Email Settings – All Defines the way messages are sent and received on the BlackBerry smartphone.
Enhanced Gmail Plug-in Stores information used by the Enhanced Gmail™ plug-in for BlackBerry smartphones.
EntryPoint Setting Stores information used by the EntryPoint application to store alternate Entry Points used by background running applications. Properties of Entry Points can include Title, alternate EntryPoint icon, Auto-run options etc.
File Explorer Network Favorites Stores a list of file shares that have been marked as Favorites from the BlackBerry® smartphone.
File Explorer Network History Stores a list of past network file shares that have been accessed from the BlackBerry smartphone.
File Explorer Options Options configured in Explorer, for example,Show Hidden, or any new folders created.
Firewall Options Enables or disables the firewall.
Folder ID Determines which folder a message is filed into.
Folders Lists the user-created folders in the message list.
Full-predictive options Stores settings information pertaining to predictive text functionality.
Handheld Agent Contains diagnostic information about the BlackBerry smartphone. This database contains information that is sent to the BlackBerry Enterprise Server for reporting.
Handeld Configuration Incoming half of the device agent, used to send data from the BlackBerry Enterprise Server to the BlackBerry smartphone.
Handheld Key Store Securely stores encryption keys for encrypted communication and signing.
Input Learning Data Stores a list of text that the BlackBerry smartphone uses to automatically predict what the user is attempting to type.
Input Method Switcher Option Selection of input language method when sequence key Alt+Enter is initiated.
Input System Properties Stores text input and keyboard layout settings specified under Options >Language and Text Input .
Key StoreManager An application that manages the BlackBerry smartphone key store.
Key Store Options Configures options for the BlackBerry® smartphone key store.
LDAP Browser Options Contains Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) browser setting information.
Location Based Services Used mainly for corporate users in a BlackBerry Enterprise Server environment, either for Location Tracking or can be accessed by third-party applications that are developed by BlackBerry® MDS Studio.
Mailbox Icon Management Options Stores information regarding inbox settings, and the delivery of email messages to certain message icons.
Map Locations Locations added to Favorites in BlackBerry® Maps.
Map Settings Configuration settings in BlackBerry Maps >Options .
MemoPad Options Stores MemoPad settings.
Memory Cleaner Options Configuration settings in Options > Security Options > Memory Options , set status toEnable .
Memos Contains the memos stored on the BlackBerry smartphone.
Message List Options Defines the way messages are displayed in the messages application.
Messages Contains all the messages on the BlackBerry smartphone.
Messenger Options (GoogleTalk) Contains setting information for the Google Talk™ instant messaging client.
Messenger Options (WLM) Contains setting information for the Windows Live™ Messenger instant messaging client.
Messenger Options (ST) Contains setting information for the IBM Lotus Sametime instant messaging client.
Messenger Options (OC) Contains setting information for the Microsoft Office Communicator instant messaging client.
Messenger Options (Yahoo!) Contains setting information for the Yahoo! Messenger client.
MMS Messages Database that contains a history of sent or receive Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) Messages for existing and past.
MMS Options Stores MMS settings.
Mobile Network Options Contains information outlining current mobile network settings and configurations.
On-Board Device Memory Database for the on-board device memory that allows the user to stores media files, this is normally in *.cab extension.
Options Stores miscellaneous configuration options.
PasswordKeeper An application that uses Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption technology to securely store password entries on BlackBerry smartphones. For more information, see KB19098 .
PasswordKeeper Options Settings configured in Password Keeper >Options .
PGP Key Store Contains the PGP private key and public keys.
Phone Call Logs Logs phone calls made to and from the BlackBerry smartphone.
Phone History Stores information pertaining to phone call history with specific participants (complete history of incoming and outgoing phone calls with selected recipients).
Phone Hotlist Stores information on the last x# of calls placed from the BlackBerry smartphone.
Phone Options Stores phone settings.
PIM Folder List – All Outlines complete list of personal information management (PIM) folders within the associated mailbox. This can be set up like a filter; if there are multiple folders, you can filter contact lists based on specific folder.
PIN Messages Personal Identification Number (PIN) messages that are sent or received.
Policy Stores the IT policy for the BlackBerry smartphone.
Profiles Contains the various smartphone alerts. For example, a vibration for a new calendar appointment, or a tone when a new message arrives on the BlackBerry smartphone.
Profiles Options Selects the current profile for BlackBerry smartphone alerts.
Purged Messages Contains a reference for messages deleted from the BlackBerry smartphone.
Quick Contacts Stores telephone numbers in the Speed Dial list.
Random Pool Stores numbers to securely generate random numbers for encryption.
Recent Contacts Stores a list of contacts that have recently been contacted (phone or email), such as a quick contact reference tool-tip when creating an email.
Recipient Cache Contains encryption profiles for the people you communicate with.
RMS Databases Stores information about registered applications.
S/MIME Options Stores configuration information for Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) settings.
Saved Email Messages Contains all saved messages that are stored on the BlackBerry smartphone.
Searches Settings configured in search application.
Secure Email Decision Maker Automatically selects secure email sending method (determined by whether the original sender sent a signed/encrypted email – the BlackBerry smartphone determines whether to send a signed/encrypted/plain text email back).
Service Book Stores all of the service records that allow the BlackBerry smartphone to access various services.
Setup Wizard Options Options configured for personal settings, learn about typing and other personalization for the BlackBerry smartphone.
SheetToGoPrefs Contains setting information for the Sheet To Go application.
SlideshowToGoPrefs Contains setting information for the Slideshow To Go application.
Smart Card Options Save settings configured for the BlackBerry® Smart Card reader
SMS Messages Contains Short Message Service (SMS) text messages sent to and from the BlackBerry smartphone.
Sounds Contains the various notification sounds, for example, a vibration for a new calendar appointment, or a tone when a new message arrives on the BlackBerry smartphone. This is for BlackBerry® Device Software 5.0.
Spell Check Options Settings configured in Options > Spell Check .
SureType options SureType® keyboard settings specified underOptions > Language.
Tasks Lists the task items on the BlackBerry smartphone.
Tasks Options Save settings in Task > Options.
Text Messages Combines total number of SMS text messages received (This database is found in BlackBerry Device Software 6.0)
TCP/IP Options Stores TCP/IP configuration settings.
Theme Settings Icon arrangement on the Home screen of the BlackBerry smartphone.
Time Zones Stores the time zone table.
TLS Options Configures Transport Layer Security settings.
Trusted Key Store Contains the trusted keys for the BlackBerry smartphone.
VideoRecorder Options Save settings in Video Camera > Options.
Voice Activated Dialing Options Settings configured in Options > Voice Dialing.
WAP Push Messages Contains information from Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) push services.
WLAN Profiles Saved Wi-Fi® profiles created in Wi-Fi settings.
WordToGoPrefs Contains setting information for the Word To Go application.
WTLS Options Contains settings for Wireless Transport Layer Security.

LED kode Blackberry

LED Code

Kode kedipan lampu LED pada saat awal loading blackberry menunjukkan suatu nilai biner yang menginformasikan pesan dari bootROM.
Kode ini ditampilkan dalam bentuk kedipan lampu led berwarna merah,
biner 1 ditunjukkan dengan nyala kedip (lampu merah) sedangkan
biner 0 ditunjukkan dengan tidak nyalanya led (off). Apabila led menyala secara kontinyu, ini merupakan pesan sedang melakukan security wipe,
apabila led menyala kontinyu tidak pada saat melakukan security wipe, ini mengindikasikan adanya kerusakan hardware.

* 1 (desimal = 1) Bukan problem, kode ini adalah normal saat restart
* 11 (desimal = 3) Tidak ada sistem operasi di dalam blackberry, lakukan reload sistem operasi dengan MFI
* 101 (desimal = 5) Bad OS CRC
* 111 (desimal = 7) Missing OS CRC
* 1011 (desimal = 11) Missing OS Trailer
* 1101 (desimal = 13)OS Not Signed, coba loading OS kembali
* 1111 (desimal = 15) OS Signature Invalid, coba loading kembali OS dan biarkan mati tanpa baterai selama hampir 30 menit, kemudian coba hidupkan kembali. Apabila tetap muncul pesak kesalahan, coba lakukan penggantian flash.
* 10101 (desimal = 21) Unknown Flash Manufacturer, coba lakukan penggantian flash
* 10111 (desimal = 23) Flash Initialization Problem, coba lakukan penggantian flash
* 11011 (desimal = 27) Flash Erase Failure ,coba lakukan penggantian flash
* 11101 (desimal = 29) Flash Operation Out Of Range
* 11111 (desimal = 31) Bad BootROM CRC, coba lakukan penggantian flash
* 101011 (desimal = 43) USB Driver Error
* 101101 (desimal = 45) No BootROM CRC
* 101111 (desimal = 47) Flash Write Failure, coba lakukan penggantian flash
* 110101 (desimal = 53) Invalid Memory Configuration Table
* 110111 (desimal = 55) Password Not Initiated
* 111011 (desimal = 59) RAM Initialization Problem, coba lakukan penggantian flash
* 111101 (desimal = 61) Cache No Pages Free
* 111111 (desimal = 63) Cache Invalid Page Type
* 1010101 (desimal = 85) Random Number Failure
* 1010111 (desimal = 87) OSStore Failure
* 1011011 (desimal = 91) Security Init Failure
* 1011101 (desimal = 93) NAND failure
* 1011111 (desimal = 95) General Assert Failure
* 1101011 (desimal = 107) GPIO failure
* 1101101 (desimal = 109) Runtime library failure
* 1101111 (desimal = 111) Exception: undefined isntruction
* 1110101 (desimal = 117) Exception: SWI
* 1110111 (desimal = 119) Exception: Prefetch Abort
* 1111011 (desimal = 123) Exception: Data Abort
* 1111101 (desimal = 125) Exception: Reserved
* 1111111 (desimal = 127) Exception: IRQ
* 10101011 (desimal = 171) Exception: FIQ